Integration Training (IT) is a team of trainers, coaches and administrative staff dedicated to:
- Awesome training
- Their own personal and professional development
- Being part of a mutually supportive community
- Something bigger (each person has their own larger “for the sake of what” or “higher power”).
NB: ”IT” in this document refers to the leadership/administrative arm of IT – Mark Walsh and staff.
Associate Work - Principles:
Work is undertaken with the spirit of service to self, client, IT and something bigger. Our multiple bottom-lines are (but not limited to) money, learning, contribution to a better world and fun.
Associates may choose to decline any work and Mark is not obliged to offer work.
Transparency/ Dialogue
What IT will get paid by a client and what associates are paid will be transparent. The fundamental principles of all associate work are dialogue and openness.
Stage of Involvement
Associates may become involved at earlier of later stages of work as they like. For example some associates don’t mind meeting clients to discuss work prior to a sale (and risking there may be no sale), others would like to be involved when sold in design, others just in the delivery.
Fees will be negotiable in each instance. Approx:
10% - This is the minimal fee IT will work with for “handovers” where all I do is receive a call and pass on details.
30% - This may be a more typical fee for associate work where I have been involved in selling work to a client (face to face or on e-mail).
50% - This is the maximum IT will take. Where IT have sold and designed the work, and an associate only delivers (e.g. for a more off the shelf stress workshop this is likely to be the fee. )
These are just guidelines – the idea is that IT discusses things with associates, being transparent about what the client can pay and then make an offer to associates which they are free to accept or decline.
Payments will go through Integration Training. I contract with clients to get paid within 30 days, I will then immediately pay you.
Repeat Work
All requests for repeat work and further work of any type coming from clients will be directed back to IT (though you can of course tell them your availability). The fee for repeat work I will take will be renegotiable (and likely to drop).
Once committed to undertaking a piece of work IT will expect associates to take full responsibility for ensuring they fulfil (serious illness and family emergencies being the only exceptions).
Branding and Quality
All handouts would be branded Integration Training. IT ensures quality primarily through associate selection. A standing request is that IT have access to client feedback (questionnaires or conversationally).
To be included in associates fee, not billed separately.
A Note re Trust and Relationships from Mark
For me putting my business reputation and clients in the hands of anyone else is a matter of great trust – so I have picked associates whom I regard as having impeccable integrity J The standard of reliability I request is also impeccability. Due to who you are, the community and relationships we’ve built I feel comfortable with you all. To me relationships are the base of associate not contracts which are a nice extra and I hope add clarity.