Change Board have just published an article on The Future of Training - it is an edit of a popular article from the blog a month back.
Cultures in business are slowly shifting to become more people-focused and the end of the recession will likely speed this. Employers are realising that people are not machines, need to work sustainably, have emotions, families and even spiritual beliefs. This trend will however collide with the idea of "more from less" - which has been getting people to work longer and longer hours. "The end of more" is a trend that applies to both consumerism and the future workplace. Ultimately the "return of the human" trend will win out as it is more competitive long-term (e.g. reduce sickness and burnout) - we are seeing this with leading edge companies such as Google, Semco and Innocent today. Long may it continue...
Cultures in business are slowly shifting to become more people-focused and the end of the recession will likely speed this. Employers are realising that people are not machines, need to work sustainably, have emotions, families and even spiritual beliefs. This trend will however collide with the idea of "more from less" - which has been getting people to work longer and longer hours. "The end of more" is a trend that applies to both consumerism and the future workplace. Ultimately the "return of the human" trend will win out as it is more competitive long-term (e.g. reduce sickness and burnout) - we are seeing this with leading edge companies such as Google, Semco and Innocent today. Long may it continue...