– Discover your leadership potential
A free training for representatives of organisations
Explore what’s valuable in your leadership style and what might put you at risk. This interactive training will refer to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and enable you to experience the range and practicality of a tool which is sometimes misunderstood or used superficially. You will also have a chance to experience leading-edge “Embodied Training” and get personal feedback on your body language. Accurate self-knowledge is the basis of leadership and we all have blind-spots. In addition this workshop will benefit those who manage diverse teams with members with different personalities.
Benefits of Attending The Training Include:
• Insight into your management and leadership style
• Increased awareness of your strengths and potentially damaging limitations
• Ways to develop the strengths and avoid the pit-falls of your management style
• An introduction to Myers-Briggs (self assessment - no questionnaires)
• A fresh take on the MBTI for those already familiar with it
• Increased awareness of team member’s diversity and how to best support them
• A fascinating and fun end to the week
Integration Training associates Mark Walsh, Clare Myatt, Anthony Davies, Dawn Bentley and Martin Egan bring a wealth of experience from leadership development, coaching and psychology.
Venue: Friend’s Meetings House Brighton
(10 min from the Station, 1hr from London Victoria)
Free to representatives from organisations that are responsible for booking training and those willing to report back to them. You get good quality free training, we get a chance to impress you.
Booking in advance – Contact Mark Walsh
mark@integrationtraining.co.uk 07762 541 855